Notice regarding 10th licence examination


Functions, Duties and Powers of Council

The functions, duties and powers of the Council shall be as follows:

  • 1. To make necessary policies for smoothly operating the health profession related activities.
  • 2. To determine the curricula, terms of admission and policies on examination system of educational institutions imparting teaching and learning on health profession and evaluate and review the related matters.
  • 3. To determine the qualifications of health professionals and to provide for the registration of the names of health professionals having required qualifications.
Meeting and Decision of Council:
  • 1. The Council shall meet as prescribed by the chairperson.
  • 2. The Council shall normally hold its meeting three times a year; and the chairperson may, if he/she considers necessary, call meetings more times.
  • 3. The meeting of the Council shall be presided over by the chairperson; and in the absence of the chairperson, it shall be presided over by the person selected by the members present at the meeting from amongst themselves.
  • 1. The Council may, for the implementation of its decisions, form various thematic committees, as prescribed.
  • 2.The provisions functions, duties and powers, and other procedures relating to the meeting of, the committee to be formed pursuant to Sub-section (1) shall be as specified by the Council.
Functions, Duties and Powers of Registrar:

The functions, duties and powers of the registrar shall be as follows:

  • 1. To implement, or cause to be implemented, the decisions of the Council,
  • 2.To prepare the agenda to be submitted to the meeting of the Council.
  • 3.The other functions, duties and powers of the Registrar shall be as prescribed

Contact Us

977-1-4373118, 1-4375079
Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) Bansbari, Kathmandu, Nepal
Total registered professionals
Male Female Other Total
General Medicine
Laboratory Medical Sciences
Miscellaneous & Traditional Medicine
Optometry Science
Physical therapy and C. B. R.
Public Health
Radiology / Imaging